So I was just surfing the iTunes store yesterday, minding my own business when this anime is listed as a free download. I download pretty much anything that's free on the iTunes store just to see if I like it, cause' I spend too much money on iTunes as it is. Why doesn't someone by me an iTunes store card anyway? Oh well
Anyhow, So this anime show is called Bakugan-I think I spelled that correctly because I don't feel like looking right now. So I download the episode and begin to watch it. This has got to be the most incredibly stupid show I've seen all year. The opening starts out with this kid talking about mysterious cards falling from the sky all around the world one day. That right there was enough to get me laughing my ass off. Then when the opening is over, they've got this kids mother who looks like an 8 year old. The kid totally ditches breakfast to jump out the front door and do the spits onto his bike, and all just to go throw down with some fat kid. Literally. They use these cards by throwing them onto the ground and then giant monsters pop out when they throw their balls to the ground. Yeah, they also throw some sort of ball onto the ground with the cards.
I don't get it either.
Man Yu-Gi-Oh! was so much better than this show.
What the hell is a Bakugan anyway?!